Monday, September 21, 2009

Farm News

I wish this blog could write on auto pilot :) Since it can't (yet) I will fill in the blanks from the last date.

On one of our walks up the old well road - we met a porcupine. Gert (black lab) had quills on the side of her muzzle, Eddy (yellow lab pup) had them on her nose, and Boy (shepherd/collie mix) had them on his tongue (licking the porcupine maybe?) That little meeting cost the full day at the vet, not to mention the vet bill at close to 300.00.

Two days after that walk, we were on the same well road and met up with a black bear. All eyes met and we turned and ran our separate ways.

Did I forget to mention the bat? Hmm.... terrified of bats. Laying in bed reading and caught the bugger out of the corner of my eye - flying up the stairs and around the light. My husband was out of town - so I did the brave thing - I grabbed my little dog and pulled the blanket over my head and creeped down the stairs - scooping up the phone on my way to the bathroom. I called my husband who is in another state - and told him about it. He called a friend who lives about a mile or two and he came, wife in tow, net in hand (this is 10pm -late by farmer standards) Yes, those are good friends! I was waiting on the front porch in my husbands robe and little dog under the arm- (which I thought was a better fit than the blankie as I couldn't go up and get dressed with the giant bat up there) Within minutes the bat was caught and the neighbors left - with only a little remark about the robe :)

Went to two fiber shows - one will be a repeat and one will not. I had the chance to spin yak. It is very short and springy (techie term) and very warm - I really like it. I have an ounce that I think I'll blend and make a hat or half mitts.